The Essential Resource for Mining $PHORIA
Last updated
The Essential Resource for Mining $PHORIA
Last updated
NEU is an essential resource required to earn $PHORIA. During gameplay, players can accumulate NEU by conquering lands. The NEU mined through gameplay is automatically converted into $PHORIA after a certain period.
There are two types of base that can be built on the world map:
Raid Camp
Players can start conquering lands by building a base on the world map.
Once the base is built, any lands nearby can be conquered.
If another user is occupying the land, players must defeat them in battle. If there is no user currently occupying the land, players must defeat monsters in PvE combat. Once you win the battle, you can conquer the land.
Higher grade lands are protected by stronger monsters.
The land becomes your territory once you conquest.
NEU is automatically produced from your territories.
Players need to click [Collect] button to collect the produced NEU.
If you fail to protect the land from enemies before the NEU is collected, the uncollected NEU will be collected by the newly occupied gamer.
Each Base type has different NEU production efficiencies from the territories it occupies:
HQ Base: 100% NEU production efficiency
Attack Camp Base: 20% NEU production efficiency
The amount of NEU produced per minute depends on the grade of the occupied land. These are the specific NEU production rate for each land grade (based on HQ Base production efficiency):
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7